Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday's Appt

Happy Saturday all. We had another follow up appt yesterday and got some good news. The Dr said everything looks the same. The stitch is right where it should be and I'm not dialated at all so that was positive. The Dr made a comment that she's putting her positive hat back on. That was a scary statement because of course we had no idea she didn't have it on.

So, going forward, our next appt is this Thursday which will be exactly 24 weeks. 24 weeks is a huge milestone and goal #1 for us because at that point, if the babies are born, there is at least a chance that the Dr's can help them breathe. I believe at 24 weeks there is a 50% chance that the babies can survive and be totally healthy and normal. However, there is also a 50% chance that they run into lots of complications. So, 24 weeks is a big milestone but we are shooting for much more than that.

The Dr. also told me to pack a small overnight bag whenever I come in for an appt going forward because if they have any sense that something has changed they will admit me in the hospital and do two rounds of steroid shots to help the babies lungs develop. They try to do this as close to when they babies are born as possible but it could be any time starting next week.

My appt on Thursday will consist of a growth u/s where they check both babies to make sure they are both growing enough. This is standard with twins at 24 weeks. Then they will check my cervix length again to see if that has changed and then we'll meet with the Dr. I think Becky's coming with for the u/s portion. It will be fun for her to see them.

It's another foggy Saturday in Superior. Corey's attending our god-daughters 2nd birthday party this afternoon. Her birthday is the same day as Becky's, and Corey's Grandpa's, March 17th. I'll miss the party but I'm sure she will understand. Corey's going and bringing presents!!! I'll be working on my paper which is due tomorrow for school and possibly taking a nap. :) Enjoy the weekend everyone. I'll write more this week.


  1. Thinking about you guys all weekend, I am glad to here that you received more good news on Friday that is great!!! Hang in there. Leah
