Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Growing Fast

What a fun week we have had. Today the home health nurse came and weighed the kids. Can you believe that Tyler is 10lbs and Dillan is 9lbs 2oz??? It was great to have her come over and see exactly how big the kids were. I knew they were growing but I had no idea how much. No wonder they are growing out of their clothes so much. The nurse also showed me how the kids are growing compared to other premiee's and they are growing right on track. Yeah!!!

We have now seen a couple of the proofs from the kids pictures. They are so cute. I can't wait to see the entire group. It's going to be hard to choose which ones to buy.

I finally purchased a bug net for the kids's stroller so tonight after the kids eat we are going to finally go for a walk. It's a beautiful 75 degrees today and there is a little breeze so hopefully the bugs won't be so bad. The dogs will love getting out.

We have had lots of visitors lately and we love having the company. It's nice to have people visit during the day because it's so hard to load them both up and get out of the house. It's much easier to have people come here.

Well time to feed my little peanut and get out of the house for bit while it's still light out.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

No More

Happy Tuesday all, today I get to run off to the dentist by myself and Grandma is coming over to watch both kids for a little while. The longest I've left her with both kids is an hour so I hope they are good for her.

Let's see, updates. Friday we had their three month pictures done. Oh my they are going to be so cute. I can't wait to see all of the proofs. It's a long process to get twins to take pictures. This is the website of the wonderful woman who came to our house and did the pictures. What a process. She was here for over three hours. Between changing, feeding, posing, and just getting them to cooperate it was an interesting process but it was so fun. The kids were pretty good and I think we will be getting some really cute photos.

Tyler is doing great without his oxygen. I think we will keep the tanks around the house for another week and then call the medical supply company to have them picked up. It feels really good to have him off of it. Tyler can now lift his head off the ground and hold it up for a couple seconds. He's getting really strong. Yesterday Tyler had his final eye appointment of the year. The doctor said his eyes are developing normally and everything looks great. YEAH!!! So, both kids are set until next year with eye appointments.

Dillan is also still working on her head movement. We have them on their bellies a lot so she gets lots of practice. I'm hoping to have the public health nurse out later this week so we can get a weight check on them. I'm curious to see where they are at because they feel so much bigger to me.

Sunday we had a busy day out of the house. We finally got over to Grandma and Grandpa Skandel's house for the first time and hung out with them for awhile. After that we ventured over to Billings Park for the Ray of Hope Annual Meeting picnic. What a fun afternoon. A couple of my girlfriends run this non-profit and they had a wonderful afternoon for their annual gathering. So the kids got to meet a couple more people and enjoy the fresh air. When we returned home we had a visit from my cousin Sarah who was up from FL visiting family. My mom and dad came over and we had a nice little BBQ and got to catch up. It was an awesome day.

We've been trying to get out and go for lots of walks lately because it's been so nice. We tried to go for a walk on the road last night and the mosquito's were so bad we had to turn around after about 2 blocks. I couldn't believe it. Usually the stroller is moving so fast they don't bother with it but last night they just swarmed. So today I'm going to look for a bug net to see if it will fit over the stroller. Otherwise I'll have to pack the kids up and take them into town to walk on one of the trails.

Happy Tuesday all, hope you are enjoying the week. The kids are both sleeping now so I'm going to try to sneak in a shower! :)

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Surgeon Follow Up

Hi All, it has been an interesting week. Corey went back to work on Monday so it's been just the kids and I all week. Well, not really because I've had lots of visitors and help from Mom and Becky but it's still different not having Corey home during the day. I've also been trying to let him sleep at night so I'm not getting much rest. 3-4 hours a night is about it.

The kids are currently not on the same schedule. I know I need to get them there but it's been hard for me to wake one up when the other one is up. When they sleep I am just happy they are sleeping.

Today was a big day for us. Tyler had a follow up appointment from his surgery and we brought Dillan along for the ride. Wow, it is really something to try to get two kids out of the house and to an appt on time. Good thing Mom was here to help me out. I'm not sure what I'd do without her. So, Tyler's belly looks good. He had a little piece of suture sticking out so they surgeon trimmed it but other than that it is healing nicely. No more work needed there. Yeah.

After that we stopped and had coffee with Joanna. I needed the caffeine and I was happy we were able to catch her with a free minute in the office. Once she took off back to work we made our way over to the NICU. We've been having a hard time with Tyler's oxygen. He has figured out that the plastic thing on his face comes off if he pulls hard enough. What a pain. Most mornings we come in the kids room and he's pulled it off his face completely. I wanted to talk to the doctor to see what the options were. I either needed some heavy duty sticky stuff or try him without the oxygen and see how it went. Well, thankfully the doctor said to give it a try with no oxygen. YEAH!!! So our little man is cannula free. He is so handsome without it. We are keeping the oxygen in the house for another couple of weeks. If his apnea monitor starts going off more frequently or we notice he isn't the same we should resume the oxygen but we will see how it goes. I really think he will be great without it.

After we left the hospital we met up with Mel, Andrew, and Emily for a really nice walk on the Millennium Trail in Billings Park. The raspberries are out so we walked, chatted and ate berries with the kids. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Oh yeah, update on Dillan! She is doing great. We've been practicing her head control during tummy time and she's getting really good at it. She's growing into more and more of her clothes.

The kids three month pictures are tomorrow and I'm so excited. A girl I graduated with is coming to the house to take their pictures and they are going to look so adorable. I can't wait. It will be fun.

That's all for now. I'm off to try to get a little sleep tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

Sunday, July 11, 2010

All Is Well

Hi All, not much new to report. On Friday we had our first visit from a lady from Birth to Three. It's a program that the kids qualify for through the state that provides physical therapy and an RN to develop their mobility and eventually language skills. The meeting went very well. The RN that came over said she was very impressed with how the kids are developing. She said usually with micro-preemies (kids born before 28 weeks) you see more complications. It was nice to hear that she thought the kids were doing so well.

Yesterday Tyler pulled his oxygen leads off in the morning and he was due for his monitor leads to be changed so we left him off of both his monitor and his oxygen all day. It was so nice to see him without any cords. I really don't believe he still needs the oxygen. He did great all day. Even when Tyler was in the NICU he really only needed the oxygen when he was having a fit and was angry about something. We gave him a little sponge bath and took some pictures of him without the oxygen on. Tyler still throws up every once in awhile when he eats but the majority of the time he eats like a champ and does really well. When Tyler smiles it's the best thing ever. He's got the cutest dimples I've ever seen.

Dillan also continues to do well. She just eats and grows and impresses us every day. Her head control is getting so much better and she is awake more and more. She has the cutest round head and is so adorable. Her skin is just perfect.

Last night both kids decided it would be fun to keep us up ALL night so Corey and I were both pretty tired today. Tomorrow Corey goes back to work so it will be interesting to see how it goes with me home with both kids. I know my mom and sister will be coming over during the day but it will be different not having him here all day.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'll update again soon.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Due Date Day

Well today is the official day that the twins were supposed to be born. Although I wish things would've been different and they would've grown longer while they were still inside of me, it has been a blessing to see them grow from the little 2 pound peanuts that they were to the 7 and 8 pound newborns we have today. It's amazing that such little tiny babies can have such different personalities already.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to have them weighed and it was so fun. Dillan is now 7lbs and growing like a weed. She loves to eat. She's starting to get little chubby arms and legs and I just love it. If Dillan could she would already be sleeping in bed with us. She gets up every morning around 4am and wants to be held. I've brought her into bed a couple of times but had to put a stop to it because I don't want the kids to end up sleeping with us.

Tyler as usual is still a little bigger than his sister. He is now 8lbs 2oz and we are so happy that he is. After his surgery last week he is putting on weight like he should be. When Tyler is hungry he doesn't let you know quietly. He puts out a blood curdling scream from the second he is hungry until you bring him a bottle. Keep in mind that his screams still aren't very loud, but there are times when he will end up coughing because he is crying so hard.

Today we ventured into downtown Duluth for the sidewalk days. It was again nice to get out of the house. It will be different next week when Corey goes back to work. It won't be as easy to leave the house but we will still be attempting it if we can. The kids love to go on walks and I love the fresh air. It will just take a little more coordination.

Enjoy the nice weather everyone. I hope the mosquito's aren't as bad where you are. They have eaten my legs already this year and I'm ready for them to be done. I hear Dillan crying, gotta go.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

Ok, I know I'm a little late but thought I'd give everyone an update on how we are doing.

Tyler is home again and doing great. His surgery went very well and he is eating a full throttle again. Actually, he's eating better than he used to and he never really had a problem before. The issue also seems to have helped with some of the other smaller problems he had. He's not as uncomfortable as he used to be which is great. Since all of the food can now leave his stomach and not just sit there and make him uncomfortable he is so much happier. He is awake a lot now during the day and it's fun to see his beautiful blue eyes.

Tyler is still on his 1/8liter of oxygen but we don't have him on it all the time during the day. If he is happy and not having a fit he doesn't have it on. I try to give his little face a break from having those little stickers on it all the time. We really don't think he will need it much longer. He also continues to have his apnea monitor. It really is a stress reliever for us to be able to sleep at night and know that if he were to stop breathing it would alert us right away. And it's nice because it really doesn't go off that often and if it does it beeps once and then shuts off. Still, the piece of mind is nice for now.

Tyler had an eye appointment on Monday. The doctor said his eyes are just a little behind where he would like to see them now that we are approaching my due date but he doesn't see anything that causes him concern. We will go back one more time in two weeks just to make sure everything is progressing as it should be.

Dillan also continues to do well. She's eating close to 4oz every feeding now which is about double where she was when she came home. She's also sleeping longer too which is nice. She has now outgrown all of her preemie clothes and even some of her newborn stuff. She's getting bigger but still looks like a little peanut compared to her brother.

Dillan also had an eye appointment last week and her eyes are doing awesome. She doesn't have to go back for another year. YEAH!!

We had a wonderful 4th of July. We packed up both kids and headed down to the parade in Superior. It was a beautiful hot day and we parked under a tree. We didn't really watch much of the parade though because everyone wanted to see the little twins. I wasn't surprised. Auntie Jen, Uncle Andy, and cousin Bob were all there as well. Afterwards we stopped at our friend Rob and Mel's for awhile and invited them out for a BBQ. We had a house full of kids. Dillan & Tyler, Bob, Andrew, & Emily. It was a lot of fun.

I will update again soon. Thanks for all the continued support.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tyler Surgery

Hi all. Well we had a great weekend with Tyler. Sunday was Corey and I's one year anniversary and it was so nice to be able to spend it with both of the kids. We loaded them both up and drove over to Barkers Island where we got married and walked around the island with them. It was 85 degrees and beautiful. I could not have asked for a better anniversary gift.

But of course things changed on Monday. Over the weekend Tyler threw up a couple of times but nothing really concerning. On Monday things continued to get worse and by Tuesday Tyler couldn't keep down anything. Poor little guy was pretty miserable. We brought him in at 4pm on Tuesday and the doctor had a suspicion that he may have what is called pyloric stenosis. Basically what happens is there is a muscle at the bottom of your stomach that allows food to pass from the stomach into the small intestines. Well, Tyler's muscle was abnormally large and therefore was not allowing any food into his intestines. When the food had no where to go the stomach would reject it and he'd throw up. Thankfully, the procedure to fix it is pretty common. Of course this type of thing is usually only seen in five to six week old full term babies but we all know that Tyler does things at his own pace and his muscle was already large before his full term due date.

So, Tyler's surgery was today to correct the muscle. I bet Corey and I seemed extremely odd to the surgeon because we were so excited. We had to explain all of the things that Tyler has been through and how this was the first time he'd actually been diagnosed with something and we were so excited to get him on the road to recovery. His surgery went very well. The surgeon made a small incision above his belly button and was able to cut the muscles easily which should allow food to pass through normally. But we all know that Tyler can't do anything normally, so of course his complication came in the anesthesia. When the anesthesiologist tried to put the tube in his throat for him to breathe they discovered that his trachea wasn't lined up down the middle of his throat like it should be. It was off to the left side of his throat which made putting a tube in it very difficult. It took them 45 min before they were able to get it in and ready to go. Uggg. So, after his stomach procedure was over, they called in an ear, nose, and throat specialist to look to make sure there wasn't something else going on. Thankfully, there isn't. Usually they would expect to see a cyst or a tumor but there was nothing there. Tyler's cords are just built a little different (not surprising). :) They believe as he grows his cords will straiten and he shouldn't have any problems in the future!!! Thank goodness.

So tonight Tyler is resting. I left the hospital at 9:30pm. He was supposed to be able to start eating at 9pm tonight but he was still really sleepy from the surgery so we are just letting him rest until he is ready. They start by giving him half an ounce of Pedialite every 2 hours and slowly convert the pedialite over to formula over the next couple of days. Once he's eating everything again he can come home. Wow, what another crazy week it has been with our little man. We are so thankful that he is such a strong little guy. He's had more to deal with in 2.5 months than I have had to in 30 years. His strength is amazing. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he heals over this fun holiday weekend.

A short update on Dillan is she is doing amazing. He eats, sleeps, and loves to cuddle. Today Grandma Arnold and Auntie Becky got to babysit while we were at the hospital and she was so good for them. She continues to get bigger and she talks constantly. I love just hanging out with her when she is awake. We talk the entire time. Unlike most babies that are happy to just stare and take things in when they are awake, Dillan talks the ENTIRE time. She is very vocal and I'm sure she'll be talking by Christmas. :) She is the sweetest little girl.

Mom and Dad are exhausted but loving every minute of it. We are so blessed to have such amazing babies. Their personalities show through more and more every day. We love watching them grow.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July weekend. Thanks again for all the support.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler