Thursday, March 11, 2010

23 Weeks

Morning all! We made it to 23 weeks today. The babies are the weight of a mango this week. The emails I get related to their size usually goes by length but decided to go with weight this week. So, the babies make up just over 2 pounds of the 20 I've gained. Love it. :)

My email also said the babies can hear and feel movement now so by the time they are born hearing the dogs bark shouldn't bother them because they'll be used to the barking. Very interesting.

It's warm but foggy in Superior today. I've got a 12 page paper to finish by this weekend so I'll be working on that today and at some point I'll do the dishes. It's amazing how many dishes two people can make in one day.

We have another appt tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to update again this weekend with more good news. Or at least news that nothing has changed since last week. Have a good Thursday all.

Love Joscy

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing how little ones can hear the outside world from within. But its true that if they hear the dog barking they will be used to it by the time they enter this world. It was that way with Hailey. She never flinched or batted an eye when Duke barked after we brought her home. It was like she has been here the whole time. Its so amazing. We also did that with music, and she loved music right from the start. Even today she does. So keep the dogs barking and play lots of different types of music and read stories to the babies. You never realize what they learn or understand while they are in that tiny bubble.:)
