Friday, May 7, 2010


They say life in the NICU is like a rollar coaster. You take two steps forward and one step back. Yesterday our rollar coaster took a step back.

According to what the doctors tell us Tyler started out having constant spells where his oxygen levels would drop and he looked very pale. They considered this a change in his behavior and decided to do another work up on him. They also tested his white blood cell count and found that to be high which is a sign of infection. They started him on two antibiotics and drew some blood for testing to see if he actually did have an infection.

Also, based on the fact he was so pale (anemic) and they thought he may have an infection they decided to give him some blood. The doctors talked to us about this over the weekend because Tyler had been pale but they didn't want to give him any blood because they want the babies to make the blood that their bodies need. If they provide the blood for them then the body doesn't think it needs to make as much. However, the doctors thought the infection may be affecting his blood production and thought it best to give him the blood he was lacking.

On top of all of this our little buddy was so tired from fighting off whatever was in his system that he didn't have the energy to remember to breathe all of the time so he was put on a si-pap machine. Si-pap is similar to c-pap. It's a little mask that goes over his nose to constantly keep pressure on his lungs. The difference with si-pap is it can be set to only give the pressure at a certain interval. The good news is that Tyler is doing most of the breathing on his own and without extra oxygen. The si-pap machine kicks in every 15 seconds or so and just gives him a boost of air into his nose.

Tylers culture tests came back this morning and he has a strep infection. The last infection he had was a staff infection so this one is different. He will now be on this antibiotic for at least 10 days to fight off the infection. The doctors are hoping he will start to feel better within the next 24 hours and hopefully gain enough of his strength back that he can come off the si-pap machine. We will see. When we were there today he was really fussy and you could tell he really didn't feel good. His color was much better compared to yesterday but the poor little guy just needs to rest and get better. It's heartbreaking as parents to know that your child is in pain or doesn't feel good and there is nothing you can do about it. All you want to do is pick him up and tell him it's going to be ok and you can't. All we can really do is talk to him.

On a positive note, Dillan is doing wonderful. Yesterday her cannula was removed and she's breathing completely on her own now. She really does just look like a really small baby. She makes the cutest little faces and she really talks to you with her hands. No real changes to report other than her breathing is going well.

Corey said yesterday he thinks he's coming down with a cold. He is fighting it the best he can and getting lots of rest. Last but not least my infection came back and I started antibiotics yesterday for mastitis again. Yesterday was really not our day.

That's the update for today. Please say a little extra prayer for Tyler as he fights off whatever is invading his system. He is our little fighter. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. I will update again tomorrow.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler


  1. Love you guys! Hang in there! Sending lots more prayers up there :-) And I hope everything takes a few steps in the right direction so you can relax and enjoy a wonderful and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...cheers to the best mom of the two cutest, little peanuts, and best fighters ever!
    Katie T

  2. Sending you lots of postive thoughts and strength. Hope everything starts to turn back around this weekend and you can enjoy your first mother's day with your beautiful little miracles.

  3. Thoughts, prayers and love your way!

  4. Sending you more prayers! Happy 1st Mothers Day! :) Shelley

  5. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way! Hope you all feel better soon and have a wonderful 1st Mother's Day!!

  6. Thinking of you guys and saying a prayer for you. Have a wonderful mothers day!
    Jenni and Steve
