Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Happy Wednesday all, we had a really good day today with the kids.

I have a new schedule that I'm following with them every day now in order to try to get as much time with each of them as possible. I am at the NICU by 9am in order to cuddle with Tyler for an hour before I have to feed Dillan. That usually takes me until after 12pm. I have to pump and eat and get back to the NICU by 2pm if I want to feed Dillan again and be there when Tyler's care at 3pm. Corey always gets there right after 3:30 and he holds Tyler for another hour or so before we go home for the night. I can usually get out of there a little after 6pm. It's a long day but it goes by fast and I LOVE being there to be involved in the kids care as much as possible.

Ok, updates on the kids. Tyler is still on his new formula and so far things are going ok. He is up to 9ml's per hour which is 27ml's every 3 hours. Before he got sick and started having the stomach issues he was eating 30ml's every 3 hours so he is almost back up to that amount. He is still getting his feeds continuously instead of all at once but it seems to help and we are happy for that. He is not really pooping on his own yet but he gets a suppository once a day and today he had a decent poop. I know it's gross but we celebrate the small things. If Tyler's feeds continue to go ok he will hopefully be off of his IV supplements within the next week and they can remove the central line. That will really free up the amount of cords he has attached to him. Tyler's breathing has been pretty good. Again, he only drops his oxyen when he's bearing down and uncomfortable. Otherwise he's really good. He really enjoys cuddling with Corey and I during the day. He is so comfortable and his oxygen and heart rates are perfect. Today auntie Becky was shadowing the Occupational Therapist (OT) that works in the NICU and they actually got to work on Tyler. He loves his OT and PT (Physical Therapist) and does so well with them. It was great that Becky got to work with him.

Dillan continues to do well. Yesterday I asked the nurse if she could try a bottle. She said they usually wait until 34 weeks before trying it (that would be tomorrow) but if I wanted to try it she'd be there with me. I told her that I really thought Dillan would do well on it and I really wanted to give it a try with her. She's been such a trooper and I wanted to see how it would go. So we gave it a try and she did AWESOME!!! She finished about half of her bottle before he got tired and fell asleep. So we gave her the rest of her feeding through her tube. I was so proud of her.

Today the speech therapist came and sat with me while we did the bottle again. She is the one who evaluates how the babies are doing with the bottle. Well, she said Dillan did awesome. Yeah, happy mom!!! However, the one thing she told me is that it takes a lot of energy for the babies to bottle when they are this little so she only wanted me to do it once a day. Ok, I can live with that. Once Dillan takes over 75% of her bottle then we can increase it and try to do 2 a day. I have a feeling it won't take her long. So, we will do her bottle when she's most awake during the day and just cuddle with her during her other feedings.

So the kids are doing well. Corey and I are so happy that they continue to make strides towards coming home. We really can't wait. Enjoy the rest of the week. It's been beautiful here so far this week. I hope it stays that way so everyone can enjoy the memorial weekend.

Thank you all for the continued support.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

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