Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good Day

I love when I can post about good days at the NICU.

Tyler's feeds were increased to 22ml's today. He still has a big belly but has been tolerating his feeds well. He's even started pooping. When the nurse told me that it was music to my ears. Let's hope he can keep that up and continue to do well on his formula. His oxygen level was at 30% for most of today. Right now he usually doesn't have big spells where he just stops breathing. The spells he has are mostly because his belly is so big and it pushes up on his lungs. When that happens he takes shallow breaths and his oxygen level drops. It usually just takes a couple of seconds and he catches up with himself and is back on top of things. Today I finally got to hold him after two weeks of being hands off. He feels like a different boy because he's so much bigger than two weeks ago. He just loved being held. Dad came in when he was out too and got to see him outside of his isolet. One other milestone for Tyler is he got moved up into newborn diapers today. So in case anyone was thinking about it, please don't buy us premie diapers because Tyler is already out of them and Dillan probably will be by the time she comes home.

Dillan had another good day. We tried feeding twice today and she does really well. She doesn't actually get any milk but she latches on really well. Tomorrow we may try feeding before I pump so she can actually try to get some milk. Other than that there were no changes to her care. She's eating well and just keeps growing. They nurse weighed her right before we left tonight and she was 3lbs 7oz.

I can see after today how hectic life will be when we get home. I would hold Dillan and try feeding her and then I would jump to Tyler and just hold him while he ate. By the time we were done with that it was Dillan's turn to eat again. Wow! Thank goodness we have so much support and help around to get us through the really busy first couple of months. We are so lucky.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler


  1. Great news! Thinking of you all!

  2. So happy to hear they continue to grow and are doing well! We love reading about their progress, thanks for sharing!

    Erica, Scott, Mason & Izabella

  3. Hi Joscy - I recently got the link to your blog. I am so happy to hear of all the great progress! It sure brings back memories for me! Our twin daughters were born 18 years ago! Our girls were born at 36 weeks and they spent 8 days & 11 days in NICU. If you ever want to talk with someone who knows some of what you guys are going through, give me a call! Work 723-7445 or I am in the phone book too. Take care and know that I am thinking of all of you! Linda McKeever

  4. Dear Joscy and Corey,

    Sue emailed me today and said one of the babies reached 5 pounds, I'll bet it was that big growing boy Tyler. You both certainly are at the basics of motherhood, eating, sleeping , pooping and peeing--it will be that way for along time!!

    How great that Dillion is working at nursing, that is a very tireing, hard work job, so no wonder it tires out a little preime.
    However she is growing beautifully too.

    I was a nanny for a friend who had 2 sets of twins, 3 years apart! She said she about feel off of the exam table when they told her the second set was on the way. Each time she had a boy and girl, it was so intersting to see how different their interests were. The oldest girl loved to nurture and care for her baby sister, and the boy was all into truck , cars and play.

    Thanks for the lovely notes, and thanks be to God for his growing creating power.
    Love, Judy
