Sunday, May 23, 2010


I can't believe I'm this far behind and no one has yelled at me for not posting. Here is an update on the kids.

Dillan continues to do well. She is now nursing when I am there during the day and then they feed her the remainder of her food through her feeding tube when she's done nursing. She doesn't get a lot, but if she is awake she does pretty good. Tomorrow I think they will try to feed her with a bottle. I'm excited for that because if she can concur that she is one step closer to being home. She is currently 3lbs 10oz and is still just a little peanut but she is doing very well.

Tyler has had another week of eating problems. On Friday he started having a reaction to the formula he was on and they stopped feeding him AGAIN. Poor guy. They wanted to let his intestines and bowels rest because his belly was very big again and they did an x-rax which showed his bowels were inflamed. So, they stopped that formula on Friday. His belly returned to it's normal size and today his chest actually looked bigger than his belly for once. He still seems really uncomfortable all the time. He grunts and pushes like he is trying to push something out and when he does that he holds his breath and drops his oxygen. When he is calm and resting his oxygen stats are fabulous.

Tonight the doctors are trying something new. Tyler is getting yet another formula and this one does not contain any protein. However, instead of feeding him every three hours like he has been the doctors have him on a very slow continuous feed. That way his stomach doesn't get bombarded with larger amounts all at once. He is currently getting 6ml over a three hour period so it isn't very much food in total and we will see how his belly does.

On a positive note with Tyler tonight the nurse turned his oxygen flow down to 1/2 liter per hour and he has been on room air for most of the day. This is wonderful news for him. They will test how this goes overnight and see if they can continue it tomorrow. Tyler is at 5lbs 1oz now. He really has grown. He is such a handsome little guy. He looked really good today now that his belly is back down to size and he's not so puffy. We just hope and pray that this new formula does the trick and we don't have to worry about other issues going on inside of him.

That's the update for the weekend. Thank you all for your continued love and support.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

1 comment:

  1. Hope Tyler does better with this new formula and great news about the oxygen! So happy to hear that Dillan is doing so well, tough little girl! Continued thoughts and prayers, they'll be home with you before you know it!
