Sunday, May 16, 2010

4lbs Weekend Update

It's been another busy weekend for all of us. Yesterday we took a day off from the NICU to take a short trip to the cities in hopes of buying a stroller. Corey's been fighting a cold and trying to stay away from the NICU so we thought it'd be a good day to go. It was a beautiful day for a road trip. We did find our stroller at REI. It's really easy to fold up and fits great in the trunk. We love it and can't wait until the kids are helping us walk the dogs all summer.

Tyler hit 4lbs on Friday. Yippie, another milestone! Today is was 4lbs 3oz. He's getting so big and is filling out really nice. On Friday he started eating a small amount of the new formula they are trying. He had 5ml's per feed on Friday, 10ml's per feed yesterday and today he went up to 15ml's per feed. The doctors and nurses have told me he's tolerating his feeds very well but he still doesn't want to poop. Today they gave his another suppository and as he has in the past he just pushes it out before it has a chance to properly do it's job. So, he pooped a little but nothing like they wanted. So, we will see how his belly does on this formula. Stay tuned. Tyler's breathing continues to improve daily. On Friday they had oxygen flowing into his nose at 1.5 liters per hour. Yesterday they weened that down to 1.25 and today it was down to 1 liter per hour. I saw in his orders that the goal tonight is to get him down to .75 but we will see how that goes. The nurses told us that sometimes he does really well and sometimes he's naughty and needs a little help. He will get there, he just needs a little more time.

Dillan continues to be a little trooper. Her feeds are up to 30ml and she weighs 3lbs 4oz. When she's sleeping she has these perfect angelic cheeks that you just want to touch. She's absolutely beautiful. My exciting news with Dillan is this week we get to start feeding her. It's not really feeding but just seeing if she can start learning the concept. The doctor wants me to pump like I normally do and then put her up to my chest and see what she does. It's more of a trial and error thing this week but it's an exciting step. When she picks up on this concept I will be spending a lot more time at the hospital so I can be there for as many feedings as possible.

It was a beautiful weekend in Superior and today I went for my first walk with Corey and the dogs since last fall. It felt so good to be out and moving but I can really tell I haven't used any muscles for 4 months. Wow. But we will take things one step at a time. At least I feel good enough to get out and give it a try. It's another two weeks before the doctor says I should really be trying anything besides short walks so we will stick with that.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Continued thanks for the love and support!
Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

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