Thursday, May 6, 2010

31 Weeks Today

Hi all, I don't have a large update on the kids today. Yesterday everything stayed the same. The kids did really well. Today the kids would've been 31 weeks. It's amazing how fast the time goes by and yet how slow it seems.

Our nurse said the doctor said that Dillan could try going without her oxygen cannula yesterday but I'm not sure how comfortable the nurse was doing that last night. As of the time we left, she was still wearing it. She said it's just easier to give her oxygen if she needs it if the cannula is on. Makes sense to me. As much as I would LOVE to see her without it, I know it makes it easier if they do have to intervene and help her.

Tyler continues to grow and get stronger. There were no changes to his oxygen. He is still having the occasional spell where they have to bump up his oxygen and remind him to breathe. Many people are starting to comment that he looks like Corey.

Last night Corey and I had dinner with three other couples from the NICU. It was really nice to just go out for dinner and relax. We all told stories about our experiences and laughed a lot. I think we all needed it. These are the people that understand the emotional ride that you are on and it was really nice to bond with all of them.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Joscy, Corey, Dillan, & Tyler

1 comment:

  1. You deserve some sleep! Thinking of all of you!
