Saturday, June 5, 2010


Happy Saturday morning everyone. I have some good news to share. We had a conference with the doctor yesterday and if all goes well over the weekend Dillan will be home on Tuesday. I am so excited and nervous. The doctor is really just keeping her at the hospital for this couple of days to ensure that all the caffeine is out of her system and she doesn't have any spells where she forgets to breathe. She hasn't had any since the took her off last Monday but they just want to make sure. Sunday night I am staying at the hospital overnight to be there for all of her feedings. Then on Monday night Corey and I will both stay there over night in one of their patient rooms with Dillan. It's a trial for us and her. She won't be hooked up to any machines or monitors so it's really to make sure we are comfortable taking cues from her without a monitor to back us up. It's going to be an interesting night. We are very comfortable with the backup of the monitors so it will take some getting used to. But, the doctor asked me if I wanted her to come home on a monitor for my own sanity and I said no. She's been so good and I know she will do just fine without it. I believe last night Dillan weighed 4lbs 14oz so she should hit the 5lb mark by the time she comes home. Dillan will be coming home at 35+ weeks so she's still considered over a month early. We are so proud of how well she is doing. The doctors continue to remind us that she's above average with how well she is doing and to try not to compare her to her brother.

We also got an update on Tyler. Tyler had a really good week. Yesterday they moved him to a crib and started bottle feeding. He did so well. He's holding his temperature just perfect, which isn't too surprising considering his size. He started the day taking 10ml in his bottle, went up to 15ml in the afternoon and by 10pm last night he was taking 35ml of his 55ml in his bottle. At that point he gets tired and just wants to sleep. They aren't pushing him at this point to finish the whole thing. He just takes what he can and they give him the rest through his tube. Last night when we were there he was really fussy and was dropping his stats quite a bit and we couldn't figure out why cause he'd been really good all day. Well Corey went to change his diaper and found out he left us a huge present in there. After he was changed his was back to being his normal self. Guess he was trying to tell us something. :) In our conference yesterday the doctor made the comment that Tyler could possibly be ready to come home in the next two weeks if he continues to improve as he has. We will wait and see how he does over the next week but he really has improved 100% over where he was last week. We hope he now just gets bigger and stronger and is able to come home with us soon.

Today's goals include making sure their room is ready to go and putting away all the stuff that mom and I bought yesterday while we were shopping at rummage sales. Enjoy the weekend everyone. I will try to update again before Dillan comes home but it may not happen. Thanks again for all the continued support.

Joscy, Corey, Dillan & Tyler

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